How to perfectly hang the mirror in the interior space?
But, you might be curious about where to place the mirror that enhances the beauty of a space? This blog will help you to get aware of the best and prominent places of hanging mirrors in space.
Following are the ways of hanging the mirror perfectly
1- In an entryway
Everyone wants to impress their guests at their first look with the best interior, right? Then you should place the mirror in your entryway. Through placing the mirror above the entry table of your space gives the most soothing and welcoming touch instantly. Also, this will be the perfect place to look at yourself in the mirror before you get out of your door.
2- Above the mantel
The next placement of the mirror is to hang it above the mantle space of your home. But place it at least 5 inches above the mantle to get the actual look. But here the thickness and thinness of your mirror frame matter the most, as you should add the mirror to a specified height as per the mirror frame thickness.
3- In the bathroom
Many mirrors which are specified for bathrooms come frameless and can be mounted on the wall with adhesive and even with screws and cling. While if you wish to give a professional look to your bathroom, add the mirror downwards with a proper frame. It adds more visual interest to the bathroom look.
4- Over difficult surfaces
If you want to hang the mirror on difficult surfaces, then don’t hang it only with adhesive, instead, hang it with special drills which are made particularly for tiles, glasses, and concrete. Then hang the mirror in your desired hardware place or also can hang it on the wall that has tiles.
5- On the door
If you want a mirror to be installed on your furniture or almirah door, then consider a long piece of mirror. Here you can take the mirror clips to hang the mirror properly and tightly. But make sure of the surface on which you are placing the mirror, it should be made of a solid core. This way you can install the mirror properly.
The final words
From the above ways, you can decorate and enhance the beauty of your space. So what are you looking for? Contact any mirror installation service experts in your town and start installing the mirror to give a nice and decent look to your space.