How do professionals hang the frameless mirrors on the wall?
Is it simple to hang the framed mirrors on the wall? This question might have arrived in your mind too. Whether you should follow the same process of installing a frameless mirror that you follow in the framed mirror? No frameless mirror should be hanged with safety and through taking the mirror installation Newnan services.
Steps professionals follow to hang the frameless mirrors
The steps professionals follow for hanging a frameless mirror are discussed below. Let’s understand each step in brief.
1- Identification of marks and exact spot
When the professionals come to your home to hang the frameless mirror, they will first inspect where the mirror will look perfect in your home. They will find the exact spot and take out the mirrors and put it on the wall to get the best place to install the mirror. With the pencil, they will mark the point and note down the measurement to place your mirror perfectly.
2- Make sure it is straight
Now before hanging the mirror, they will look whether the mirror is placed straight or not so that it may get the look you are desiring. For a simple process, they will use the measuring scale to find whether the mirror placing is straight or not. If it’s straight they will move to the next step and if not, they will try to install it straight.
3- Check the wall to see if it’s flat or not
For a frameless mirror install, a flat wall is required. If the wall is bumpy or has some spots, the mirror will not suit well. If the wall is straight, experts will install the mirror, and if it’s bumpy or has a spot, they will use some clips to install the mirror on the wall.
4- Mark the edges of the studs
Mostly the frameless mirror doesn’t come in adhesive form, it needs to be installed with screws and clips. Professionals will mark the mirror edges so that the mirror will hang properly without any further problem. For a simple and easy process, experts use the studs finder to fit the studs.
These are a few steps that professionals follow while delivering mirror installation Newnan. Be aware of these steps and witness it in front of your eyes by availing the mirror installation service for the experts.