What is the method of repairing the residential mirror?
Mirrors are something that can break easily or can quickly get the crack. For example, if a lawn owner has thrown the pebble into the mirror, it might get damaged or sometimes break. A cup of tea put on the mirror with high force can also result in a crack. And like these, there are numerous scenes in which mirrors can be broken down. Even the strongest and double-paned mirrors can get damaged quickly. But before, there was no solution to repairing the mirror except for changing it.
But now happily, there are various residential mirror repair Newnan who will repair the mirrors with ease. And also, you do not need to search for numerous DIY methods to improve the mirror itself. Instead, the experts can even repair a tiny crack with just handy and straightforward techniques. But don’t delay fixing the minor damage of the mirror because it can result in more significant breaks when it is subjected to moisture, temperature swings, and dirt.
Steps to repair the residential mirror
1- Clean the mirror with dish soap
The first method done by numerous residential mirror repair Newnan is to clean the mirror with dishwashing soap. The whole mirror doesn’t need to be cleaned; only the area around the crack needs to be cleaned. This process ensures that no dust, oil, fingerprint, and spots are present on the mirror. Next, it can be cleaned with a damp cloth and wait until the mirror dries completely.
2- Mix up two-part epoxy
The area which has proper ventilation is used in this step. It would help if you prepared two-part epoxy on a dish plate. It can be found and purchased from any craft store, home improvement centers, and also on various online websites. To prepare epoxy, you need to mix resin and hardener in equal amounts. And immediately put the epoxy to the crack area of the glass. Any delay in this can result in the hardening and thickening of epoxy.
3- Apply epoxy to the mirror using a knife
Using the knife, apply the epoxy. It acts as the adhesive to the crack, and pressing it gently and slowly can easily absorb it onto the cracked area. After this, let the epoxy be dried for five minutes.
4- Remove excess epoxy with a blade
Now remove the excess epoxy applied to the mirror with a razor blade. After this, the mirror is repaired in less than 24 hours.
5- Spiff up the mirror with a cleaner product
Using the mirror cleaner, clean the mirror surface, and now use it the way you desire.
Through these methods, you can repair your mirror. However, even if people themselves can do it, sometimes it results in harm. That’s why we recommend taking residential mirror repair Newnan service for people’s safety. Use this method once and share your experience.